Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Kiss Gel Fantasy Nail Kit Review

I remember being a teenager and wanting artificial nails so bad. I went through a short time of getting acrylic tips but the cost just was too much to keep up with. Fast forward to at least a decade later and I found myself browsing through the glue on nail section at Target. They looked so pretty and easy to put on. The question was would they stay on and if they did would they completely destroy my real nails underneath. 
I took the plunge and purchased my first set. From there I was hooked and over the course of the next year or so I tried out every brand that was out there. Coming to the conclusion that the brand KISS most definitely had the best fit, look, and durability.  I was able to get at least a week and half to two weeks of wear with maybe one or two needed to be re-glued. And all at the cost of under $7 each time! What a deal considering what acrylics used to cost me.
Two weeks ago I wandered into my local Rite Aid and saw these babies on display. It looks like KISS relaunched a new look (which is gorgeous) to their packaging as well as these Gel Fantasy Nail kits.

I was literally so excited I almost started talking to myself out loud lol. But I refrained and focused on choosing between the various glittered and glitzed collections that KISS has just released. What different about them from the rest of their nails is that they are ready to wear Gel nails. The polish is super shiny and resilient and the great part about these is you don't have to go through the trouble of taking that darn glitter polish off your own nails! 
They come with 24 nails and you can use the nail glue or the 24 adhesive tabs they supply along with a small file and cuticle stick.
There were six different designs that were either Short or Medium length. All but one were a more squared shape. Some sets have glitter on every nail or like these that I got its only on a few nails with the others have a french manicure like design. This design is called "Rock Candy".

The next week I had to go back and pick up this other set I had fallen in love with. It's called "Painted Veil" and they are more a stiletto type shape that are medium length. I'll be applying these over the weekend.

Overall these did not disappoint in the least. They rose to the standard that I have already held the KISS brand at and lasted me with glue application around 10 days which is freaking awesome! 
I can't say enough great things about them so I highly recommend going and getting yourself a set!
At Rite Aid I paid $7.99 for the kit and currently in my area that's the only place I have been able to find these. I really really hope that KISS continues this trend because for an avid nail wearer I would definitely be keeping myself stocked up on these puppies :)

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