~ I've been MIA and I hit 5000 SUBS! ~
Hey everyone! So yes I know I've been totally MIA the past month or two and I apologize! I'm not gonna lie, lately it has been hard for me to get my inspiration going and to get motivated to make videos. But it's not because I don't want to.
Over the two and a half something years now I've been on Youtube I've steadily seen my subscribers and views go up. However something I have mentioned before multiple times in videos is I have almost ZERO interaction with anyone. I'm not sure why, I mean I do get comments on my videos. But my Facebook is completely dead as well as my Twitter and Instagram. I was down in the dumps for a bit about it all but then I realized why I started making videos in the first place. Because I love to be creative and I truly enjoy just the whole process! So I'm just going to stay focused on that while secretly hoping that I will get more interaction from people. It's not because I want the attention or views etc, I just would love to have more feedback and input. I mean that's part of why Youtubers put themselves out there for literally the world to see. Because we wanna hear from you!
Anyway guys I thought it was time that I be straight up and tell you why my videos have been lacking.
On a side note I have been finding difficulty getting inspiration for DIY's because I want to give something original and fun. Once again I just need to concentrate on who I am and bring that to the table. I'm not gonna care if my idea has been done a million times before etc etc.
In the interim I will continue to do product reviews and such because I am trying out new things!
Last but not least I want to say a HUGE HUGE thank you to all of my subscribers. I hit 5000 about a week and a half ago and I'm through the moon. Thank you so so so so much!!!
Write me something I wanna hear from you :)
Much love,
Hey everyone! So I've been missing a week or two here and there of videos and I apologize! I had filmed this tag video back a few weeks ago and finally got around to editing it. I will be bringing more DIY videos in the future so don't worry! Click the pic above to watch my TMI video.
In the meantime sit back and learn a bit more about me :) Also if you have any suggestions or wants for videos please feel free to comment on here or any of my social sites.
Have a beautiful week!!
Downton Abbey Season 4 Finale ~
Rants & Raves
So where do I begin ? Should I start with the fact that I didn't even know this past Sunday's episode was the season 4 finale?
Yes it's true. I had absolutely no idea because the season had simply gone by way too quickly. I felt like I had maybe watched four or five episodes? Nope, it was eight.
But I wonder is this simply because time passes quicker, or is it because this season it seemed like not a whole lot happened?
But I wonder is this simply because time passes quicker, or is it because this season it seemed like not a whole lot happened?
This post is a combination of my thoughts on some of the characters and then some of the things I liked and disliked about the finale episode.
First off we come back with Edith having already given birth??? What the heck? I had a hard time believing she would really go through with the whole trip to Switzerland to begin with, and secretly hoped she would just cave in and tell her loving parents who I knew would have understood her and supported her. But no. I had to rewind the beginning of the episode twice just to make sure I had heard correctly. We didn't get to see any of her journey through the pregnancy or the adoption. Kind of a HUGE disappointment for me.
Not to get off track of the actual episode, but I have a bone to pick about Edith. I personally think her plot isn't really ever fully developed and somewhat rushed. I feel so much for this character and want desperately for her to find true happiness and not have to experience so much grief all of the time.
If I had my way, I would actually want to see Edith and Tom together.
Them both feeling like outcasts helps them relate to each other I think, and well let's face it. He is just such a great guy and sweetheart, which is something Edith desperately needs.
I definitely DO NOT like the teacher Miss Bunting for Tom at all. She has to have some hidden agenda from the way she seems to be chasing after him.
Now onto Mary. I have come to love her more and more over the 4 seasons, but I still don't understand why she acts like a spoiled brat teenager when it comes to her sister. I mean she lost her other sister for crying out loud, you would think by now that she would get over her issues and treasure every day with Edith.
On a positive note, I do like her progression in working through her grief and the way she deals with all the different men who are after her. I started out really disliking the idea of her and Charles Blake, but now I feel they are actually a great match. Still I do like how they are taking it slow since all of us still have Matthew on the brain.
Cousin Rose has never been a favorite of mine. I think it's perhaps because too much time is spent on her story line and I would much rather see more focus on some of the other characters.
They really packed a lot of different plots into this last episode, but I felt like for a season finale a little too much was left undone. Isobel Crawley and her admirer for instance. First the Doctor was interested in her and now Mary's Godfather. How about we make something happen there? I do absolutely LOVE Isobel and Violet's interaction this season however. Violet is a pistol and the contrast of the two personalities is absolutely perfect. Edith's dilemma of course is another part that feels dragged out.
Daisy used to annoy me a lot but she really has grown over the years and I like what they are doing with her character. One of the most touching scenes I believe was the second to last episode where Mrs.Patmore said she was so proud of her. It was really sweet.
Thomas is one that I would love to smack upside the head. Where the story line is going with him being such a devious guy is beyond me. I felt we had so much of him and his ways in the previous seasons that it's beginning to get a bit old. He is always blackmailing someone, however I do love how it's caused Mr. Mosely to step up to the plate and show his manliness.
It's hard to pick a favorite on the show but I absolutely LOVE Carson and Mrs.Hughes. They have really developed their growing affection quite well with such subtlety and it's just downright adorable. While I loved the ending scene of them both wading out into the water, I was slightly disappointed that it was the actual last scene of the season. I felt like more of a collective scene with all or most of the characters would have been nicer. Mrs.Hughes gets me every time with her honesty and loyalty. I admired her so much when she told Mary that no matter what she didn't blame Mr.Bates at all if he had done something bad while he was in London. They actually did a good job of misleading where Mary was going with her argument and I was so relieved when she threw that ticket stub in the fire.
But what the heck? We still don't know if Mr.Bates actually did anything or not. We went through such a time with him being in prison that I think dragging this incident out is a bit much.
While I've always enjoyed the scenes with Shirley McClaine, I felt like she was just kind of thrown in this season at the last minute. Her son Harold was a nice addition though, and his character could really develop into more especially with his love interest that came about while he was in London.
And then there is the Lord and Lady Grantham. There is simply never enough of them!
They are the most adorable couple with the biggest hearts. It was the first few scenes with them in the very first season and episode that won me to continue watching the rest of the seasons.
A pro for the season finale was definitely having different locations for the scenes. It was a refreshing change from most of the scenes taking place either inside or outside the Abbey. One thing they can never go wrong with is the witty lines they have for the characters. When Violet says "Mary's men" I laughed out loud. In fact I laugh out loud a lot at her lines. I loved when Tom took her out onto the dance floor when they were at the ball.
Of course the wardrobe is always stunning, and sometimes I want to re watch each episode just to really grasp all the beauty in each scene.
I do hope this next season gives a little more than this one did. But either way I'm a loyal Downton fan for life. If only the show could go on forever and ever!
Leave me comments on what you thought of this season and the finale. I would love to hear them!
~ Resolutions Tag 2014 ~
Christina from CuriousChristina1 tagged me in the Resolutions Tag 2014.
Thanks so much to her and please check out her channel here:
She does amazing makeup and hair tutorials!
Check out my Youtube video here:
~ Thoughts on Christmas & some Decorations ~
I started writing this blog post about how I decorated for Christmas this year on a shoestring budget. But for whatever reason what poured out of the keyboard turned into something a lot deeper than raving about the lights and garland. As I've learned so many times, things just happen for a reason and so I'm just going to roll with it.
See, when I was a kid I LOVED Christmas time. From the smell of our live tree, to the Christmas records my sister and I used to dance around the living room to, it was a happy time. Another huge part of my childhood memories were from the time I was 6 years old, when every Fall and Winter were filled with countless Nutcracker rehearsals at the dance school I attended. It was a family affair since not only me,but my sister, brother, and dad were all in the production, and my mom lent her artistic talents to the costumes.
Toy soldiers, Sugarplum music and candy canes are all things that bring those fond memories rushing back, along with a huge dose of sadness.
It was around the age of 19, that I lost my love of Christmas. No more Nutcrackers, no more Christmas Eve's at my Aunt's house singing carols with her huge family, and no more 12 days of Christmas with my Grandma Gammy. Once those things were gone, I kinda turned into the Grinch. Just hearing Christmas music on the radio or in stores sent me into a bad mood. For years it bothered me, and I simply shrugged it off to growing up and growing out of the childish memories. After a while I started to feel bad, almost guilty for not having any enthusiasm to want to celebrate that time of year. I began to examine myself and try and get in touch with why I couldn't find the joy in it anymore. It wasn't until this year when I forced myself to pull out the Christmas tree and tinsel that I came to the conclusion that I couldn't continue to go through the years hating the holidays because of all that I missed. I realized that now with nieces and nephews who had yet to make so many childhood memories of their own, that I needed to grow up, put my big girl panties on, and start helping them with those memories as an Aunt.
Life flies by so fast. One day you blink and you are in your 30's still trying to figure out your own life, not realizing you contribute to the younger generation of your family and to all of the little memories that they will look back at when they are older.
So this year I'm off to spend Christmas in Atlanta with my family. First time in many years :) Should be a great time and great memories.
Now onto the decorations! Here are some things I did in my house and most everything is from the Dollar Store!
Rue La La has Aster Elliott Programs
tomorrow 11am EST!
Click the link below to sign up and buy. It's totally free to sign up.
Part 1 of my "DNA Detox" Experience
Part 2
Part 3
~ Raw Diet For Cats- Wild Kitty Cat Food
& What I feed my cat ~
After researching what is the best diet for a cat, I came across feeding your cat raw food. By nature cats are carnivores and really don't have the ability to process glucose in their systems like we do. So therefore all of those cat foods out there on the shelves with rice and grains etc, are actually doing more harm than good. That's because they contain anywhere from 40%-60% carbs. It wouldn't surprise me if this is part of the reason why cats are more and more being diagnosed with diabetes and cancer.
There are several great videos on Youtube for recipes, but I also came across a company called Wild Kitty Cat Food. They make it super easy with their food kits. All you need to do is buy your meat of choice and add it to their mix.
Here is what it looks like all mixed up with some ground turkey
Diesel loves this stuff. As you can see he's quite anxious to taste it
He gobbles it up like it's going out of style
Check out Wild Kitty's website here:
Another great perk is they offer a trial size for free to try out for only $1.99 shipping & handling. It's a great way to test out how your cat will react to raw food. Although I do recommend slowly adding small amounts to their regular dry food. If they are anything like my little guy, they will end up spitting out the dry food.
~New video on my new second channel~
If you haven't checked out my new second Youtube channel "Discovering Amy" then you should head on over and watch my first video I put up last night. It's a 50 Random Facts About Me video so you can get to know me a little better:) And if you haven't subscribed yet to that channel or my thevibenowvlog channel then make sure you do, it's FREE!
~ Experiencing Dermalogica on Montana, and the Microzone Treatment ~
Last week Becky and I took a trip down to Dermalogica in Santa Monica to experience a "Microzone Treatment". It was my first time to the Montana Ave location of their flagship store, and needless to say I was impressed :)
Walking in you immediately feel calm just from the pristine white decor and spa like aroma wafting through the shop. They have every Dermalogica product you could possibly want all right there on the shelves. The staff here is incredibly helpful and sweet. Erin the store manager gave us a little tour and background on the shop, and made us feel completely welcome and ready for our treatments.
This is the Microzone Treatment area. It was created out in the open for a reason, and as you walk by the shop on the outside you are almost drawn to go in and check out what the people in the chairs are having done to them. Here is Becky getting her Microzone Treatment from Sheba.
Now the Microzone treatments are designed for that time in between your regular facial appointments. They are 20 minutes and perfect if you are in a hurry and yet have some areas of your face that you want to address. Sheba sat us both down before she started the treatment and asked us what areas were of concern. For me I have a lot of blackheads on my nose and chin area, as well as some concerns about sun spots. Once she heard that. she went to work on those problem areas by cleansing, exfoliating, extracting and refreshing my skin till I felt like new!
After the treatment, we went over to an area of the store that's called the "Skin bar" This is where Sheba went over each product individually that would be best for my skin type and also grouped it all together in what would be the perfect daily skin care regimen for me.
Here are all the products that she selected
If you live in the Los Angeles area I highly recommend going to the store on Montana for either a treatment, products or both! Make sure you ask for Sheba! She is a true professional and a sweetheart!
Here is a list of the different treatments they offer along with the prices:
Lastly I want to say a HUGE thank you to Nathalie for setting up our treatments, Erin for making us feel so welcome, and to Sheba for pampering us so well!
Check out Dermalogica on Montana Facebook page here:
Dermalogica Website:
~ Aster Elliott Cleanses on Rue La La 50% off! ~
I woke up this morning to a Rue La La email announcing that Aster Elliott is part of their sale for the next 2 days only!
For those of you who might not know, I recently tried out her newest cleanse program the DNA Detox and was floored by the results I had.
According to the Rue La La's website they have 4 of Asters
According to the Rue La La's website they have 4 of Asters
programs for sale that vary from 3-14 day cleanses and they are 50% off!
Click the link below to sign up and buy. It's totally free to sign up.
I have to say I never thought I would try or have eyelash extensions. I occasionally use false eyelashes for special events but that's really where my mindset was for having "lashes" was big events. Boy was I wrong!
I recently went down to Beverly Hills to the Eyelash Lab and had Yumi Youn beautify my lashes, and I am now hooked! I never realized how fuller and longer lashes can really enhance your eyes and your whole look. So much in fact there are days I don't even have to really wear any eye makeup which is amazing!
Eyelash extensions are supposed to last anywhere up to 4 weeks depending on how you care for them and also how they take to your particular skin/eye. After the initial application you can go in for fills to do maintenance upkeep.
She has various different lengths and curl types to choose from and she also offers other services in her salon such as brow shaping/waxing, hair care, skin care, and even permanent makeup.
She is such a sweetheart and a pleasure to chit chat with while you get your extensions put on.
Her salon is located right on Robertson in the beautiful and well known area of Beverly Hills. After your appointment you can walk to all the shops and eateries around the area and really make a day of it.
Check out my Youtube video on my experience and make sure you check out Yumi's website, you can even make an appointment online!
~ My new channel announcment! ~
Hey everyone! So a few months ago I really started to think about my channel and the direction its going etc. I thought about what aer some things it might be missing and I came up with a pretty obvious one. It's needs to be a bit more personal! I started the channel a year and a half ago and I realized that I don't even think that my subscribers/viewers know my name. That's pretty sad lol...
Also I wanted to share the origin of the name "The Vibe Now" and how the channel actually got started.
I also decided to start another channel where I will post more vlog videos, collaboration videos with fellow Youtubers like Becky Jensen, and just more personal videos showing bit more of who I am.
So check out this video to hear a little more about me and please head over to my other channel "Discovering Amy" and subscribe!
Thank you so much for coming to my blog and also checking out my videos. This truely is a huge pleasure and enjoyment for me and I really want to get to know more of you out there and interact.
Check out my vlog on my Youtube channel
I was so excited to be invited to this Media event at the Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy in Santa Monica. For those of you who might not know, Toni & Guy Salons have been around for over 50 years this year! Started by brother team Toni and Guy Mascolo, and then later joined by their other two brothers Bruno and Anthony, the company is now in over 20 countries worldwide.
The Academy location in Santa Monica, CA
They have 20 different Academy locations throughout the US and Canada, and let me tell you it is a picturesque place to learn!Here is Bruno Masolo (owner) giving a little speech at the event with his nephew Zak Mascolo by his side.
They were offering a ton of complimentary services and so I opted for eyelash extensions! Yumi Youn did an outstanding job. She has the Eyelash Lab in Beverly Hills and another location in Valencia.
Check out her website here: http://www.eyelashlabBH.com
Lauren Fernald did an amazing job on her makeup.
She works at the Newport Beach location so make sure you go see her if you are down that way!
The night was filled with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries, hand massages and of course making great connections! The AMAZING goodie bag that we left with was FILLED with amazing products from Bed Head, Pet Head, Dermalogica, TIGI, and ColorSmash.
This Paint By Numbers book from Toni & Guy is so informative. It's a step by step guide on the methodology for applying makeup.
Also safe for eyelash extensions :)
It came straight from Yumi Youn's Eyelash Lab.
Cannot wait to try these two TIGI products!
Bed head is literally one of the best hair products lines out there. I'm looking forward to trying out the "Straighten Out", "Elasticate" Strengthening Shampoo, and
"Recharge" the High Octane Shine Shampoo
I have heard nothing but amazing things about Dermalogica products. What's ironic is the night before I got these, I was watching Karissa (Saturdaynightsalrite) on Youtube and she was talking ab out the primer. I was thinking to myself how I needed to get some and there it was the next day! Talk about fate :)
I want to say a HUGE thank you to: Toni & Guy Hairdressing Academy, Natalie Filetti ( Advanced Education Coordinator) Ameilia Swagger (PR Specialist) Jazmine Graza (Social Media Manager) Joshua Marzioli (Academy Director) Brian Aguliar (Designer 1) Brittany Maher, Yumi Youn, Nathalie Banker (Dermalogica) , Eric for the amazing hand massage, and to anyone else I met and I didn't mention your name!
The Difference Between Men & Women
(In My Opinion)
I know that by writing this article I might have a lot of women hating me, and saying that I’m full of crap. Some might think I’m betraying my own sex. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not claiming to be an expert, therapist, or guru on relationships. But I have been a BIG observer in my lifetime, and after seeing so many friends, relatives and even strangers go through their love troubles, I often ask myself why are women (including myself) so freaking dumb? I have come to this conclusion about the difference between men and women.

Do you ever hear a guy say about a woman he is with, “I’m gonna change her”? No of course not. That’s because men don’t have the same chip installed in their system that a woman does. Men don’t think about a woman having a steady job, or a good bank account. At least it’s not in their natural nature. That’s because they are meant to be the provider and “man” of the relationship. They don’t try and change us. Hell they don’t even really voice themselves on what they would like to see a woman wear. If only they did there would be so many more women in this world actually dressed well!
Back to my point, why if a woman is attracted to a man and likes who he is, would she feel the need to change him? Say boy meets girl, boy and girl develop a relationship and somewhere down the line he realizes he doesn’t belong in a relationship at all. Why does the woman feel the need to change his mind? Didn’t she hear him the first time? Why do women deceive themselves into believing that men are like them? Let’s get it through our brains ladies, MEN ARE WIRED COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

So would you try and work a machine without reading the manual first? Of course not. As women we have no problem reading the manual, asking for directions and so on. So if that’s the case then I’m saying to you, learn how a man works before you get involved with them. You will save yourself a lot of wasted time and energy and emotions if you do.
If anything, we are the douche bags in these situations. We throw guilt trips on them, bitch and complain about things, over analyze stupid situations and blow them out of proportion.
That’s not to forget one of our biggest downfalls. If a guy is quiet and seems mad or upset, LEAVE HIM ALONE. Guys process stress and anger differently than women. We go and blab it out, going over and over all the details and beating the hell of the subject. Guys just want to cool off and get over it. They want to escape either into the computer, TV, video game, or fixing up their old car. Escaping is what de stresses a man, not talking about his feelings and problems. They will talk when they are ready. We only make things worse pushing the issues and asking them what’s wrong. Why is that? Because a lot of the time we feel it has something to do with us. "What did I do wrong?" "Is he mad at me?" Nine out of ten times I can tell you its not us. But we sure do make it about us don’t we? If we just listened the first time when he says , “I’m good I just want to be alone or quiet”, we could avoid all those late night arguments or stupid mental torture we put ourselves through trying to figure it out. If we were truly unselfish beings we would listen to what he’s asking and do it. But no, we push in and prod and beat the living daylights out of him till he ends up blowing up at us and saying things he doesn’t really mean. (Or does he?)
I didn’t say relationships were easy or uncomplicated. And I’m definitely not saying we are completely wrong in every situation when it comes to guys. To this very day I still make the same mistakes and follow my natural female instincts of being a nag, bitch and downright selfish. It’s not easy, but we can’t continue to put all the blame on the men and not take any responsibility.
I didn’t say relationships were easy or uncomplicated. And I’m definitely not saying we are completely wrong in every situation when it comes to guys. To this very day I still make the same mistakes and follow my natural female instincts of being a nag, bitch and downright selfish. It’s not easy, but we can’t continue to put all the blame on the men and not take any responsibility.

Thanks for reading and please comment and leave your own opinion on the matter!
Tags: men, women, relationships, love, marriage,female, male, issues, arguements
Like millions of others I watched the Kony 2012 video on YouTube. I was touched, inspired, and motivated to take even a small part in trying to stop this insane cruelty that has been going on for far too long. Watching this it gave me hope that maybe people really do care what happens to us as humans. I've always believed that if enough people come together to stop something unjust that unity will prevail in the end, but looking at humanity especially lately its been very hard to not be discouraged.
I will be participating on April 20th to "Cover the Night" in which people will take to the streets of their cities and put up posters, pictures, and stickers on every street corner of Joseph Kony in order to let make sure that the world knows exactly who he is so the right people can find him and catch him. If you are in the Los Angeles area let me know if you will be participating so we can all meet up.
Please go to the official website and read about this and pledge, and or donate or whatever you feel compelled to do.
Official website : www.kony2012.com
"Cover the Night website: www.coverthenight.com
So last week was moving time for me. I haven't had internet on a computer for a week now so not only have I not been able to upload any videos but I haven't had a setup to film any either.
I thought I would keep you updated with some pics of the new place. I will most likely be doing some DIY makeover videos since this is a new place with decorating to be done!
Here is a look at some of the new house.
The living room
The Bedroom
There is more of the house I just don't have any more pics right now. Stay tuned to some of the decorating I will be doing!
Ok so I wrote a little review of this show back when I first started my blog but I just had to mention it again.
For me I don't have Tivo nor do I have a DVR. Shocking I know... But thanks to technology today I can pretty much go to any networks website and catch up on all my missed episodes on there.
All that said, I usually don't get to tune in live to "Revenge" when it airs on Wednesdays at 10pm CST. So, ABC.COM here I come... This show has done nothing but entrance and enthrall me. Brilliantly written, and astoundingly acted, this show delivers on every point. Don't get me wrong. I tune into the CW shows that are more geared towards teenagers such as Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl. But ABC has truly hit a gem when it comes to this plot line and cast. Emily Van Camp is truly astounding in her role as Emily Thorne. Madeline Stowe portrays the perfect Victoria Grayson with all of her coldness and contempt. I could go on and on about the cast, but all I really want to say is tune in!! Check out http:www.abc.go.com/revenge for all the episodes to catch up if you haven't been watching already.
Update: News! Why I've been MIA....
So last week was moving time for me. I haven't had internet on a computer for a week now so not only have I not been able to upload any videos but I haven't had a setup to film any either.
I thought I would keep you updated with some pics of the new place. I will most likely be doing some DIY makeover videos since this is a new place with decorating to be done!
Here is a look at some of the new house.
The living room
The Bedroom
There is more of the house I just don't have any more pics right now. Stay tuned to some of the decorating I will be doing!
My Favorite Show on TV
For me I don't have Tivo nor do I have a DVR. Shocking I know... But thanks to technology today I can pretty much go to any networks website and catch up on all my missed episodes on there.
All that said, I usually don't get to tune in live to "Revenge" when it airs on Wednesdays at 10pm CST. So, ABC.COM here I come... This show has done nothing but entrance and enthrall me. Brilliantly written, and astoundingly acted, this show delivers on every point. Don't get me wrong. I tune into the CW shows that are more geared towards teenagers such as Vampire Diaries and Gossip Girl. But ABC has truly hit a gem when it comes to this plot line and cast. Emily Van Camp is truly astounding in her role as Emily Thorne. Madeline Stowe portrays the perfect Victoria Grayson with all of her coldness and contempt. I could go on and on about the cast, but all I really want to say is tune in!! Check out http:www.abc.go.com/revenge for all the episodes to catch up if you haven't been watching already.
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