Friday, November 30, 2012

DIY Beauty Tutorial

~ Coffee/Sugar Body Scrub ~

I like so many other people am a Pinterest freak. There are many nights where I can't even go to bed without scrolling through a whole category to see all of the creative and interesting ideas. While looking up beauty ideas I came across a recipe for a coffee body scrub that I simply had to try. Coffee is beneficial in more ways than just to jump your morning with a dose of java. Caffeine is a natural antioxidant can reduce swelling and redness in your skin.
Here are some other benefits of using coffee in your beauty regimen:

  • It helps break up and redistribute fat cells thus reducing the appearance of cellulite
  • Caffeine shrinks blood cells and can help reduce varicose veins
  • The aroma of coffee helps clear your mind and can work as an anti-depressant and help with nausea.
  • You can use it for under eye circles and puffiness since it reduces swelling and can lighten and brighten your skin.
Here are the ingredients which you can find right in your kitchen for you to make your own scrub:

1 cup of ground coffee (any kind just not decaffeinated)

1 cup of sugar ( I used raw sugar to have a more coarse texture)

1/2 cup of Olive oil & 1/2 cup of water 
(you can use one full cup of oil depending on how oily you want it)
Mason Jar with lid to store scrub 
 (you can use any container that works)
Blend all the ingredients in blender for 2-3 minutes. Pour in mason jar and it's ready to use! 

This smells AMAZING in the shower and is great for morning time to help you wake up. I've been using it for a week now and it makes my skin feel like butter. I've read that for cellulite it isn't a cure but it does help if you use it regularly.
Watch my YouTube tutorial on how to make the scrub.

Thanks for stopping by!

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